Then and Now
Making of the Composites
The next three pictures show a scene taken in 1915, the same scene shot in 2010, and then the final composite made by merging the two together. Note the positions of the poles on the left and the red building (was the Dog House) on the right.

First Street looking West - 1915

First Street looking West - 2010

First Street looking West - Composite from 1915 and 2010 using the two images above.
Composite images
The following composite images produced by Robert Waterman provide glimpses of Langley’s history.
“Then” images courtesy South Whidbey Historical Society. ”Now” images courtesy Robert Waterman.
First Street

1902/2014: Jacob Anthes' Store and Post Office was the first building on First Street.

1903/2014: Ed Howard’s Store.

1906/2014: Town portrait (July 4, 1906). Langley’s first hotel next to Howard’s store.

1914/2013: Langley Mercantile and Post Office in former Olympic Club and future Dog House Tavern.

1911/2014: First Street looking East.

1914/2014: Jacob Brehm stands in a wagon in front of the livery stable he built in 1904.

circa 1920/2014: 3-Legged Race on First Street.

circa 1920/2014: Looking west from First Street.

1921/2014: Hotel burned “to the ground” on April 4, 1921. No one was injured.

1920/2014: First Street looking west.
The Boston Bakery (left) was purchased by Joseph Primavera in 1922 and became the original Star Store on First Street.

1923/2013: original Star Store on First Street (left).
Carl (“Charlie”) Lenz stands in front of his garage built in 1919 (right).

1933/2014: Star Store on First Street.

1955/2014: First Street looking west.

circa 1940/2013: First Street looking East from Anthes Avenue.

1955/ 2013: First Street looking East.
Anthes Avenue

1912/2014: Funk Mercantile at the corner of Anthes Avenue and McLeod Alley.

1909/2014: Anthes Avenue looking north. Methodist Church (left).

1910/2018: Telephone office, Hugh McLeod’s off and town pump in front of Frank and Janet Ploof’s residence.

1910/2014: Anthes Avenue looking north. Town pump and Hugh McLeod’s Justice of the Peace office (left).

May 6, 1022/2014: Intersection of First and Anthes. Wooden Langley State Bank (left).

1915/2014: Looking south on Anthes Avenue. Langley State Bank with drinking fountain (right).

circa 1926/2014: New bank building (right). Original bank (now Whidby Telephone Office) next to Funk Mercantile (now office of Funk Transfer Company).

1952/2014: Lloyd Carter’s Union Gas Station at corner of Anthes and Second.
Second Street

circa 1935/2014: Second Street looking east from near Park Avenue.
circa 1914/2010: Early Langley marina in new location.

circa 1918/2010: The Langley marina became a busy commercial and social location.
The Calista coming into dock.
Cascade Avenue

1923/2016: Original Langley Public Library. Second Street not connected to Cascade until mid-1930s.

2014/1915. Miss Zillah Skidmore’s house on Cascade Avenue (right) built in 1902. A commercial kitchen was added in 1988 it served as home to several restaurants.

1907/2017: Schools at Park Avenue and Third Street.