Haman Cottage
31 DeBruyn Avenue
This house was one of the earliest houses built in Langley. It is possible it was built in 1895, although the exact date and the name of the builder is uncertain.
The property on which it is located was just west of Saratoga (now DeBruyn) Avenue in the original town plat. It was owned by the Langley Land and Development Company in 1890, and has had several owners over the years.
1901: Bartons buy the property.

Circa 1906/1907. First Street looking west. Cottage (Arrow) (Courtesy Island County Historical Society).
Town founder Jacob Anthes and his wife Leafy, acting as agents for the Langley Land and Development Company, sold the property to J. A. Barton and his wife (7/1/1901) who may have built the house. According to Ray Haman, 1901/1902 newspapers found in the floor of the kitchen during a later remodel.
1905: Gilman and Eldora Bush
The Bartons sold the property to Gilman and Eldora Bush (3/31/1905).

1905. Plat map showing property owned by Gilman Bush (arrow) (Courtesy South Whidbey Historical Society).
Gilman Bush was born ca. 1850 in N.Y. and married Eldora sometime between 1880 and 1890. Gilman died in 1910 and is buried in Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery in Everett. Eldora Bush moved to Everett and worked as a dressmaker. She died 1/19/1937, and is buried in the Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery.

Circa 1912.Birdseye view of town looking west. DeBruyn cottage (arrow) (Helen Ruyan).
1937: Elta Debruyn buys the property.
In April, 1937, the property was sold to Martin Severine Pederson and Edith Mary Pederson of Alberta, Canada, via Ann Dollof the executrix of Eldora Busch's estate. The Pedersons sold the property to Elta DeBruyn November 16, 1937.
Elta Carse married Paul M. DeBruyn in Seattle (4/11/ 1915). Their daughter Jean A. DeBruyn born there ca. 1920. The DeBruyns were living in Seattle in 1935. Paul died 6/26/1937 at age 40.
In 1940, Elta was living in Langley with 4 children: (Jean B. 20yo, Donald 19yo , Sylvia 16 (born 1923), and Marcile M. (13yo).
On June 6, 1942, Sylvia DeBruyn married Herbert Gildow, son of William Gildow and Alta Viola Rothgeb of Langley.
1948: Herbert and Sylvia E. Gildow
Elta DeBruyn sold the property to the Gildows (9/21/1948).
Sylvia DeBruyn died in 1964 and is buried in Bayview Cemetery. Following Sylvia's death, Herbert married Bernice E. Johnson (3/26/1970).
1973: Haman's buy the property
Herbert and Bernice sold the property to Lee Lawrence who then sold the property to Raymond and Phyllis Haman (8/25/1973).
According to Ray Haman, there was an old bunkhouse used for loggers/farm hands, then a youth hostel, on the current site of the cottage.

1952. Ariel view of property (Courtesy South Whidbey Historical Sopciety).
The name "Saratoga Avenue" was changed to "DeBruyn Avenue" June 7, 1977 (Langley Ordinance #133).
1990: Cottage moved.
The cottage was moved to it's current location in the fall of 1990 prior to a new house built by the Hamans on the original site of the cottage in 1995 .

Before 1990. Original location of cottage (Courtesy Raymond Haman).
According to Ray Haman, The cottage was rented out after Hamans bought the property.

2004. North side of the cottage in new location (Courtesy Robert Waterman).

2004. South side of cottage (Courtesy Robert Waterman),
The Property is currently owned by The Haman's daughter Lorinda and her husband Ray C. Harding.